At the bottom of this page, please find a list of all English-speaking Confessors.
What is the Sacrament of Confession?​
God is the source of all life and joy. Our separation from His life, from the Kingdom of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, inevitably leads us to corruption, despair and death. In coming into this world and becoming one of us, God the Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, defeats death through His own death and resurrection and offers to all who believe in Him and join themselves to Him the possibility of eternal life.
In the sacrament of Baptism we are mystically, yet really, joined to Christ and to His Living Body – the Church – through the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit working in the baptismal waters. In Christ’s own words ‘…unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.’ (John 3:5) Unfortunately, even after Baptism, we continue to reject God’s gift of life and His values in so many ways. As we come to terms with this and see how often we ‘miss the mark’, we understand that sin still has a hold over us and places a barrier between ourselves and God. ‘If we say that we have no sin,’ writes St John, ‘we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.’ (1 John 1:8)
The sacrament of Confession then becomes for us the means by which we renew the saving work of Baptism in our lives and allows the healing power of God to restore the broken relationship between us and Him caused by our sin. ‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’ (1 John 1:9)
How Do I Prepare?
The Sacrament itself is the final act in a process of self-examination and repentance before God. It cannot be done mechanically and without any spiritual preparation for we can only be forgiven for those things which we truly seek to put behind us.
Before we go to Confession we need to spend some time alone in prayer and reflection so that we can come to terms not only with our actions but with who we are and what we are becoming. In silence we must ask God to reveal to us those things in our life which have become a barrier to our relationship with Him.
If it is our first confession it is a good idea to look over our whole life so far and note down on a piece of paper those major incidents over the years for which we feel guilty or which in some way still occupy our conscience. Then we will look over our more recent life – the last few months, weeks and days – more closely. As a guide to prompt us it is good to read the 10 commandments (Exodus 20) and our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5-7). These passages act as a spiritual mirror in which we can see a reflection of our inner self. As God brings things to mind we note them down and can then take this ‘list’ with us to confession. In this way we can make sure that actually say everything we had intended and avoid skipping those sins which may cause us most embarrassment or shame.
What Should I Expect at Confession?
Every priest may conduct Confession slightly differently but generally the priest (wearing an epitrachilion or stole) will say an introductory prayer and then invite us to sit facing an icon of Christ and make our confession.
Sometimes the priest may ask questions to prompt us or to clarify a point but generally we should approach the meeting as we would a visit to the doctor. We come to describe to the priest our sins which are the symptoms of our spiritual disease as honestly and as openly as we can so that he can pray to God for our forgiveness and also advise us as to how to tackle and overcome these sins in everyday life.
Our confession therefore has to be clear, without excuses and without discussion of the sins of others. We must trust that God knows all of our circumstances and He will excuse us if need be. We have to take to Him and ask forgiveness for the inexcusable part which is the sin.
At the end of our confession the priest may advise us and sometimes give us penance which is not a punishment, rather a ‘medicine’ to help eradicate sin from our life. He will then places the epitrachilion over our head and reads the prayer of forgiveness encouraging us to be confident in God’s mercy and love for us. For every Orthodox Christian a heartfelt confession is an opportunity cleanse our inner life and to make a new beginning in our relationship with God – an opportunity to enter once again into the life and joy of God’s Kingdom.
Adapted from 'The Mystery of Confession,' by Rev. Anastasios Bozikis, Guest Speaker at CYC NSW's 2018 Come & See Young Adult retreat.
Read the full article here.
Your Confessor will become your spiritual guide. It may take a bit of time to find a Confessor who you feel comfortable with and who you can regularly see - however, once you find them, be sure to stick with them! They will gain a unique understanding of your spiritual journey.
Rev. Anastasios Bozikis
Greek Orthodox Parish & Community of St Micheal
Address: 49-59 Holterman St, Crows Nest, NSW 2065
Mobile: 0404 003 903
Very Rev. Archimandrite Christodoulos Economou
St Nicholas
Address: 203-207 Livingstone Rd, Marrickville, NSW 2204
Mobile: 0403 552 117
Rev. Christos Triantafyllou
All Saints Belmore
Address: Cnr Isabel & Cecilia Sts, Belmore, NSW 2192
Mobile: 0419 609 667
Very Rev. Dimitri Kokkinos
Greek Orthodox Parish & Community Of “St John the Forerunner”
Address: 163-165 George St, Parramatta, NSW 2150
Telephone: (02) 9635 9480
Mobile: 0418 298 197
Very Rev. Sophronios Konidaris
Greek Orthodox Parish & Community Of
The Resurrection Of Our Lord, Our Lady Of Myrtles, St Elessa
Address: 16-18 Belgrave St, Kogarah, NSW 2217
Telephone: (02) 9587 9113
Mobile: 0412 556 235
Rev. Leslie Kostoglou
Greek Orthodox Parish & Community St Gerasimos
Address: 21 Henry St, Leichhardt, NSW 2040
Telephone: (02) 9560 8330
Mobile: 0418 646 043
Rev. Peter Mavrommatis
Greek Orthodox Parish & Community Of “St Euphemia”
Address: 6-12 East Terrace, Bankstown, NSW 2200
Telephone: (02) 9709 6908, (02) 9790 679
Mobile: 0416 145 300
Rev. Panagiotis Protopsaltis
Greek Orthodox Parish & Community Of “St Euphemia”
Address: 6-12 East Terrace, Bankstown, NSW 2200
Mobile: 0402 219 214
Very Rev. Prochoros Anastasiadis
Saints Rapheal, Nicholas & Irene Liverpool
Address: 29 Forbes St, Liverpool, NSW 2170
Mobile: 0432 286 849
Rev. Laurentiu Pescar
Holy Cross Wollongong
Address: 18 Stewart St. Wollongong, NSW 2500
Mobile: 0416 065 344
Rev. John Daskalakis
Address: St Micheal's Crows Nest
49-59 Holterman St, Crows Nest, NSW 2065
Mobile: 0418 233 378
Rev. Nickolas Skordillis
The Holy Apostles Newcastle
Address: Cnr James, Hamilton, NSW 2303
Mobile: 0425 258 986
Very Rev. Steven Scoutas
Greek Orthodox Parish & Community of St Spyridon
Address: 72-76 Gardeners Rd Kingsford, NSW 2032
Telephone: (02) 9663 5147, (02) 9662 7880
Mobile: 0417 771 113
Rev. Constantine Varipatis
Greek Orthodox Parish of St Stylianos,Sts. Peter & Paul &
St Gregory of Palama
Address: 806-808 The Kingsway, Gymea, NSW 2227
Telephone: (02) 9526 6577
Mobile: 0418 511 212
Very Rev. Kyriakos Stavronikitianos
Holy Monastery of St George, Yellow Rock, NSW
316 Singles Ridge Road, Yellow Rock, NSW 2777
(02) 4754 1382
For a full list of confessors, visit this weblink.