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Your questions, answered.

The youth and young adults of Australia submitted 100+ questions to our panelists at Assemble 2020, and we’re answering them all. Join us in this series with His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa, as we speak with the youth, answering questions and seeking the Truth.



How to avoid being preachy


In our first episode of Truth Seekers, Maria joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to explore the question, ‘How do we discuss our faith with others without seeming preachy?’


What's covered in this discussion: 


☆ To push or not to push? Having conversations about Christ.

☆ How your attitude can inspire others to get curiosity about Christianity.

☆ Why living Orthodoxy is more valuable than preaching it.

☆ Why would God allow some people to die without knowing the Truth?


Is Christianity used to control people?


In the second episode of Truth Seekers, Max joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to explore the question, 'What do we say to those claiming that Christianity is a way of controlling people? Is it?'


Here’s what is covered in this discussion:


☆ Christ sets the ultimate example of love and freedom.

☆ What about spiritual fathers who use fear and guilt to control people? ☆ If God is freedom, then why does He give us guidelines to follow?


How do you truly connect with God in prayer?


In our third episode of Truth Seekers, Thomas joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to explore the question, ‘How do you truly connect with God in prayer?’


Here’s what is covered in this conversation:


☆ How to achieve a constant connection with God
☆ What ‘praying unceasingly’ really means
☆ Does it matter where or how we pray?
☆ Spiritual experiences are above prayer


Married or monastic?


In our fourth episode of Truth Seekers, Fay joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to explore the question, ‘Married or monastic - how do we understand our calling? Any practical ways to help us decide?’


Here’s what is covered in this conversation:


☆ Which path is right for my salvation?
☆ Discernment won’t come without prayer and guidance.
☆ Knowing your character before recognising your calling.
☆ Testing the waters before you commit.



How to humble yourself?


In our fifth episode of Truth Seekers, Tas joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to explore the question, ‘How do you think you can humble yourself before God?’

Here’s what is covered in this conversation:

☆ What examples of humility has Christ set for us?
☆ Overcoming embarrassment or anxiety when showing humility.
☆ The difference between trying to be humble and true humility.
☆ Understanding our spiritual limits.



why does god allow suffering?


In our sixth episode of Truth Seekers, Sara joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to explore the question, ‘In the face of a loving God, how do we give reasons for all of the suffering in our world?’


Here’s what is covered in this conversation:


☆ We are closest to God in our suffering.
☆ The purpose behind pain.
☆ Why do good things happen to bad people and vice versa?
☆ Helping others carry their cross.


how can we learn more about our faith in an accessible way?


In our seventh episode of Truth Seekers, Maria once again joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to explore the question, ‘How can we learn more about Christianity in an accessible way without doing a theological degree to understand our faith?’


Here’s what they chat about:


☆ Resources and ways to explore your faith.

☆ Prayer opens the door to a ‘theological’ understanding of faith.

☆ When you love God, you will understand God out of revelation.

☆ The building blocks: going to Church and reading the Bible.


how can you believe in something that can't be scientifically proven?


In our eighth episode of Truth Seekers, Max once again joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa. As Max converted to Christianity from atheism, he brings a unique perspective to the question ‘How can you believe in something that can’t be scientifically proven?’


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ Does historic and scientific evidence contradict or support Christianity?
☆ How to balance the search for proof with a leap of faith?
☆ As created beings, we will never fully understand our Creator.
☆ The lived experience of knowing is stronger than any evidence.


How to avoid being self conscious?


In our ninth episode of Truth Seekers, Thomas once again joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to discuss the question ‘As a teenager, how can we avoid being self conscious?'


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ The popularity trap - weighing up our true priorities.

☆ Being made in the image of God is the source of our confidence.

☆ The importance of being our true self.

☆ Why you should surround yourself with friends who care about Christ.


Is Christianity closed minded?


In our tenth episode of Truth Seekers, Fay once again joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to discuss the question ‘How do you respond to those who say that Christianity is closed minded?’


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ The Orthodox Church is a place to think, question and search.

☆ An open heart leads to an open mind.

☆ Ignorance often causes close mindedness.

☆ Why you should avoid close minded people in the Church.


How to talk about God in your workplace?


In our eleventh episode of Truth Seekers, Tas once again joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to discuss the question ‘How do you find a way to spread the Word of God to those who don’t want to hear it and how do you find the right setting? For example, in a workplace it might be inappropriate or you may not have enough time to even get into religion with colleagues.’


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ Setting an example through our actions and attitude.

☆ The art of ‘you do you, I’ll do me.’

☆ What to do if your workmates or boss doesn’t respect your faith.

☆ Striving for martyrdom in the modern workplace.


What do Christians believe happens after death?


In our season one finale of Season One of Truth Seekers, Sara once again joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to discuss the question ‘What do Christians believe happens after death?’


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ Preparing for life after death.

☆ What do the saints have to say about the next life?

☆ Experiencing Heaven while on earth.

☆ God takes us at the perfect time. 



How can we train our thoughts to be focused on God?


In episode one, Antonia joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to discuss the question ‘How can we train ourselves so our thoughts are always focused around God and not around things of the world?’ 


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ Prayer is a way to train our minds so we can focus on God.

☆ We must cultivate self-compassion, not perfectionism, in our thoughts.

☆ Having spiritual vision is finding the presence of God in everything.


What is the value of simplicity?


In episode two, Chris joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to discuss the question ‘What is the value of living a life of simplicity?’


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ Choosing to let go of worldly attachments and pleasures.

☆ Simplicity brings us peace of mind.

☆ Living simply means putting our love for Christ above everything. 


Can a lay person become a saint?


In episode three, Chrissy joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to discuss the question ‘Is it possible for a lay person to become a saint?’


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ Any person can become a saint and many lay people were saints.

☆ The secret to sainthood is loving others and loving God.

☆ Sainthood begins when we develop a true connection with God. ☆ The saints never considered themselves saints because they were truly humble.


How to stop procrastinating for Confession?


In episode four, Joel joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to discuss the question ‘What are some ways to make myself procrastinate less when going to Confession?’


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ Finding the right Confessor that you feel comfortable speaking with.

☆ Committing to a regular date to reflect and confess.

☆ Finding a Confessor who offers understanding and compassion, so there is no fear to Confess.


How to be spiritual in a secular society?


In episode five, Vanessa joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to discuss the question ‘How do we balance living a practising deeply spiritual life in such a secular world, and in a non-religious family?’


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ Living a spiritual life means allowing the Holy Spirit to work within us.

☆ The benefits and blessings of being spiritual in a secular world. ☆ God will give us greater Grace to overcome our contemporary challenges.


How to come back from moments of faithlessness?


In episode five, Demetrios joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to discuss the question ‘how do we bring ourselves back from moments of faithlessness?’


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ Moments of faithlessness are a part of our road to salvation.

☆ God remains faithful to us even if we are faithless.

☆ The importance of stepping back to see the big picture.


Trust God or solve a problem ourselves?


In episode seven, Antonia joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to discuss the question ‘When we are worried about something or have an issue to deal with what is the middle ground between trusting God without anxiety and trying to solve it ourselves?’


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ When we love and know God, He reveals His Will for us.

☆ The Holy Spirit guides our decisions by bringing inner peace.

☆ Even if our decisions do not go to plan, God will use them in His plan.

☆ Training our minds to be positive and peaceful.


Why follow Christ if I already have good principles?


In episode eight, Chris once again joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to discuss the question ‘If we already work to incorporate good principles into our lives and live by them, what is the purpose of vigorously following Christ and the Church?’


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ The difference between good principles and spiritual principles.

☆ Good principles make us good people, but following Christ makes us Christ-like.

☆ Following good principles is not enough to experience Grace.


How to live like everyday is your last?


In episode nine, Chrissy once again joins His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa to discuss the question ‘We have busy lives and packed schedules. How do we live everyday as our last? For we don’t know when God will take us.’


Here’s what they cover in this conversation:


☆ Striving to live with a clear conscience.

☆ Knowing and living within our limits.

☆ Living with humility in our hearts.

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